Body language: Are our gestures gendered?

updated the 4 May 2019 à 10:26

Some reflexes and attitudes are universal, while others seem more gendered. We present an analysis of some typically feminine gestures.

In the street: Crossing your arms

We all know that our non-verbal language speaks for us. This language is sometimes universal, for example in terms of the face, which can express six basic emotions – joy, disgust, anger, sadness, fear, and surprise, says psychologist David Cohen, author of “Comment décoder les gestes de vos interlocuteurs – et être conscient des vôtres!” (How to decode actions of others – and be aware of your own!)(Leducs ed). And sometimes, it is more coded, depending on our culture, language…or gender. For example, men making the first move? Yes, that is a cliché demolished by the analysis of many studies on how men and women flirt. In fact, women are the ones who take the initiative by using no less than 52 different non-verbal behaviours of seductive glances, prolonged gazes, pouts… Decoding four subliminal messages.

Isabelle Soing

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