Currently Coveting: 23 Amethyst jewellery pieces to fight stress

updated the 3 May 2019 à 11:59

Stressed and under pressure? Sooth your mind with the calming power of amethyst gemstones.


What if you were told that semi-precious gemstones may be able to influence your inner emotions and have a positive impact on the problems of your daily life?

Amethyst, a quartz crystal known for its stunning violet hue and supposedly potent metaphysical healing properties, can be found in South Africa, Brazil, Canada, India, Madagascar, the Urals and Uruguay. The name of the gemstone is Greek in origin and literally means “not drunk”, as the stone was believed to be a remedy against drunkenness.

Amethyst is an extremely beneficial stone for the mind – it allows you to find balance and serenity. Healers have long used this stone to promote anti-stress vibes, fight the effects of insomnia, improve mental concentration, and help with meditation.

Convinced? Test the benefits of this gorgeous gemstone, or just wear them for their beauty – here are 23 stunning pieces of amethyst jewellery that we are currently loving.

Liisa Sarfati

Read more:

10 Calming books to read when life gets too hectic

Anti-stress: 5 Strategies to reduce pressure

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