Energy Boosters: 5 Healthy alternatives to coffee

updated the 4 May 2019 à 00:33

Give coffee the boot and give your mornings a healthy boost with these caffeine-free alternatives.


We all know that one person who hogs the coffee machine at work and can’t get through the day without their daily cup of joe. While coffee consumption can turn you into an energizer bunny, the benefits are not without negative effects. Scientific studies have shown that coffee is associated with an increased risk of high cholesterol, heart disease and osteoporosis.

Although coffee is a great source of antioxidants and nutrients, there are many other healthy alternatives that will get you moving throughout the day. So if you’re one of those coffee addicts, it might be time to kick the habit and give yourself healthier options to choose from.

Our gallery holds a list of 5 healthy and delicious alternatives to coffee so the next time you reach for your thermos, you know what you’ll be filling it with instead.

Karen George

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