No telephone day: 8 Ways to disconnect from technology

updated the 4 May 2019 à 03:30

We tend to always have our mobile phones in our hands checking if we have any notification. Here’s how you can try to temporarily disconnect from your mobile phones.

Challenge yourself

“Take the best of the technology without, it taking the best of you!” That’s the motto of coach Alia Cardyn. She imagined small exercises made for those who are constantly attached to their phones, less effective in their activities, and spending too much time on social networks or emails.

Thanks to the advent of smartphones and tablets, we are reachable, available or connected for most of the day. Is it a real choice or did it become an automatism, a reflex, or even an addiction? “I remember this managing director of a company who came to me five years ago”, recalls Alia Cardyn. “He complained of struggling to manage his time. I asked him not to reach out to his mobile for every notification, but to do so only once per hour. He tried, and explained to me that doing so had brought on physical symptoms of anxiety. He also realised that the time spent on his phone was disrupting his work. And I understood that it was really necessary to fight our dependence on new technologies!”

In the gallery above, Alia Cardyn provides her advice for disconnecting from technology.

Fabienne Broucaret

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