Eye Spy: 10 SPF eye creams to protect your peepers

updated the 3 May 2019 à 14:38

It is time to step up your sun protection game and use our round up of eye creams loaded with SPF. Say goodbye to age spots and wrinkles.

Ole Henriksen

It is a given that you should be using sun protection products daily to shied your skin from harmful rays and pollutants. However, if there is one area of the face many forget to protect, it is the skin around the eyes. This particular area is susceptible to a lot of damage resulting in the appearance of crow’s feet and even dark spots.

Applying regular sunscreen with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) under your eyes is not adequate protection. In fact, it might be too heavy for the skin and cause irritation. To protect the delicate skin, you will require an eye cream with a particular concentration of SPF. Sorry ladies, even concealers or BB creams with SPF are not sufficient.


Think about the dual benefits you’ll be receiving. Not only will your under eye area remain hydrated, there is an added benefit of sunscreen to protect your eyes. This helps to delay the aging process, first seen around the eyes. Since the skin there tends to absorb more UV rays, the safer bet is to give it the much needed protection with a specially formulated sunscreen.


Contrary to popular belief, the sunscreen found in your makeup is not enough to protect you from the sun. The protection offered might not be sufficient or an many tend not to use an adequate amount. Experts claim that you’ll require seven times the normal amount of foundation with SPF to reap the full benefits of the sun protection it claims to offer. Not only is that an excessive amount but it may your clog your pores too. Hence it is advisable to just layer a lightweight sunscreen under your makeup. Are SPF makeup all that bad? No, once you’ve layered your sunscreen underneath, layer your SPF concealer, for example, to double up on the protection under your eyes.

Now head over to the gallery up top for a round up of eye creams with SPF to try for all-round protection.

Perin Sidhu

Featured Image: Getty Images


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