Can you tell from your Eau de Toilette and Eau de Parfum?

updated the 3 May 2019 à 23:03

What’s the difference between perfume, parfume, cologne, toilette and body mist? Read on for your favourite fragrances, decoded.

Jimmy Choo

To most, fragrances are all the same – “If you like how it smells on you, get it…” – until they’re at the beauty counter and realise two different bottles can smell exactly the same, but one is labelled ‘eau de toilette’ while the other is an ‘eau de parfum’. You might also see the difference in price points and go for the cheaper option, but do you realise the difference in your choice? We clue you in with the explanations below.


Starting off on the priciest and most potent of the fragrance spectrum is perfume. Although generally a common term used to describe a bottle of fragrance, the technical meaning of perfume is a fragrance with almost half of its content being the concentration of the aromatic compounds. They are mostly made up of a blend of high levels of essential oils and smaller percentages of alcohol and water. They come in small quantities, but are the most expensive and last the longest. They are mostly sold in small bottles with applicators for dropping onto the pulse points, such as inside the wrists, sides of the neck and behind the ears. These are great for elegant evening events.


At a slightly lower price point and more common is the eau de parfum, which is sold by many high-end labels in larger bottles compared to perfumes. The science behind this concoction is the different layers of intense notes in it, which evaporate layer-by-layer throughout the day and clings to your skin for a lasting effect. You can be sure that you’ll still have a lingering fragrance by the end of the day, but it may smell slightly different as the top notes have dissipated with wear. You may want to opt for the parfum versions of your favourite scents to invest in, to ensure you still smell pleasant as you wear them to the office or for a long hectic day.


The most readily-available and common of all the fragrances is eau de toilette. A term that suggests post-bathroom body care and even for men post-shave, eau de toilette has a much lower concentration of aromatic compounds and is a cheap yet luxurious alternative to the aforementioned. They are usually refreshing to apply due to the light scent they carry, and often contain the most alcohol for better dispersion. However, this also means that it does not last as long as parfum or perfume, and will require frequent spritzes throughout the day.


Being the cheapest in the line of fragrances, eau de cologne, or body mists, are often associated with retailers that offer body care products such as body soap and lotions. They have the highest water content and the lowest percentage of fragrance, and are recommended for use during the summer to stay fresh and should be reapplied every now and then.

Now that you know what these fragrance terms mean, you no longer have to stand confused at your favourite perfumery. Shop the iconic fragrances in our selection above to make sure you smell fresh all day!

Nur Syazana H.


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