Perfume Picks: Our top 10 tantalizing fragrances for men

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:07
Jade Dragon by Shanghai Tang

Even the most charming gentleman who is suited up all nice and clean won’t sweep us off our feet if he smells bad. Good thing we have these fragrances for men to pick from.

A signature scent is as essential for women as it is for men. We’re not talking about body wash or the detergent smell on his clothing, but a fragrance of his choice.

But choosing the right fragrance isn’t as easy as it sounds. Even for us ladies, it’s normal to be overwhelmed as we walk into a vast department store section entirely dedicated to fragrances, not knowing where to start looking. Then there are the seemingly harmless sales persons who inundate us with contrasting smells, potentially resulting in a headache (literally). We imagine it’s all the more arduous for the gents.

Yet that’s not a reason for your man to leave the house smelling less-than-favourable. To make both your lives easier, we compiled our top picks of men fragrances in our gallery. From the seductive smell of Tom Ford’s Black Orchid, to Shanghai Tang‘s earthy, masculine Jade Dragon, our roundup of perfumes is diverse but it won’t overwhelm your olfactory senses.

Gentlemen, if you are reading this, know that a man who smells good gets extra points from us girls so you don’t have to wait to discover your signature smell!

Natasha Gan

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