Frizzy Be Gone: 10 Best hair serums for luscious locks

updated the 3 May 2019 à 16:41

Say goodbye to the frizz and hello to shiny looking hair with our round up of the best hair serums to grace your hair with.

John Frieda

Each day we subject our hair to damage. Be it through the excessive products used or the amount of heat applied via straighteners, curlers and blow dryers. This can cause our locks to become brittle leading to its lackluster appearance.

Let us thank the lucky stars for the creation of hair serums. These magical tiny bottles have become a game changer in the world of haircare. Hair serums best benefit those with dry and frizzy hair as they help to replenish our hair with much needed care and nourishment thanks to the inclusion of oils made from Argan or Morroccan. The active ingredient in a hair serum is silicon, which also works well to coat our tresses while protecting it from potential hair damage. The ingredient also helps to increase the appearance of shiny and healthier looking hair.


When using a hair serum, start off with dry locks. Given the inclusion of oil as an ingredient in most hair serums, you do not want the oil to interfere with hair that is wet. Apply a dime-sized amount and rub it in between your palms. This helps to warm up the product. Following which, apply the hair serum from top to bottom ensuring that you do not apply too much pressure. Be careful to not over apply the product when it comes to your roots.  Your roots naturally produce oil and you do not want to go overboard with the hair serum in that department – no one want to have overly greasy looking hair.

Now, head over to the gallery up top where we have rounded up 10 of the best hair serums for shiny and luscious locks.

Perin Sidhu

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