The killer question: How to get dreamy dewy skin?

updated the 4 May 2019 à 02:46

Don’t let the Singapore sun stop you from looking fab. Dimitri Theer, Revlon makeup artist, shares his insight on how to get a dewy complexion.


Being in Singapore’s humid and hot air, there’s a fine line between looking sweaty and dewy. So what’s the secret to having that supple complexion we see so often on runway models? You’ll be surprised the key to looking fresh is actually very simple: use less makeup.

But be prepared to face the heat! Clean, moisturize and apply sunblock before you leave the house. See below for more tips from Revlon makeup artist, Dimitri Theer.

Who is it for?

The dewy complexion is suitable for all women of all ages! These makeup tricks aim for transparent skin so you won’t require too many products.

What you need

– BB cream (or CC cream or tinted cream)
– A cream blush of your preference

Step by Step

  • First, moisturize your skin. You might want to use a mattifying concealer on the T-zone (forehead and nose). Remember, we want a moderate glowy complexion and not an oily appearance.
  • Then apply a tinted or BB cream (or light foundation) to even out the skin tone while maintaining a “transparent” makeup look.
  • Put a little blush on the cheekbones using your fingertips. Avoid using a brush or sponge because with fingers, you have better control on the amount applied.
  • If you have oily skin, apply a little bit of a loose powder on the nose with a brush.

Makeup tips

If you want to achieve a transparent, natural look, choose a specific area to highlight with a clear colour. For example, choose either the eyes or the lips but definitely not both.
Avoid matte colors and prefer iridescent hues.
Refrain from using lipgloss! Instead, opt for a lipstick and apply it with the fingers for a matte, subdued look.

Morgane Klein Forest

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine