K-Beauty: 5 Korean beauty trends that went mainstream

updated the 3 May 2019 à 17:39

From BB creams to gradient lips, the hottest beauty trends right now started off in South Korea.

Dewy skin

The K-Pop world churns out beauty trends just as fast as they pump out K-pop idols. Long before the BB cream craze, which put Korea firmly on the world’s beauty map, K-pop stars were setting their own trends, which in turn inspired the big cosmetic companies to come out with some of the beauty world’s most innovative products. Korean celebrities are known for their fresh, dewy skin, pastel baby doll make up and gradient lips. Their willingness to experiment and paint outside the box has certainly put them on the forefront of emerging beauty trends.

The Korean beauty wave shows no signs of stopping and if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! Here are 5 beauty trends that started in Korea and have since been incorporated in our daily beauty looks.

Karen George

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