How to lose the dreaded belly fat?

updated the 3 May 2019 à 23:18

Take the advice of Julie Companion, independent trainer of France’s Klay Club, Ken Club and CMG Sports Clubs Bastille, if you’re looking to get ride of some weight on your stomach.



In the morning, (almost) everything is permitted. Fuel up on fruits, allow yourself one or two slices of bread, have cereals, etc. Lunch should then consist of a little starch and protein (primarily white meat). As for the evening, think ‘light’ with an emphasis on fish and vegetables. Avoid anything with too much fat and food that’s too sweet at all costs, including alcohol. This is the time to do a little detox!


To melt body fat and lose calories, there are no secrets or a magic formula: cardio exercises are mandatory. Cycling, jogging, brisk walking, you choose! Then work your abs by practicing traditional crunches. Start by lying on the floor, and take off the shoulders by rolling back and just touch your knees with your elbows. The right prescription: 50 to 60 per day.


You don’t have a big belly, but is your little tummy slightly plump and you’re not into sports? Lean face down, on your forearms and knees (or toes, your choice). Stay static for 30 seconds while keeping the belly and pelvis above the ground, as if you were a board. Resist by tucking in that tummy and tighten the buttocks. Repeat 3 to 4 times. Increase daily from holding for 5 seconds to a solid 1 minute.


Have 2 minutes to spare between meetings, during your public transport journey or behind the wheel? Put this time to good use! Inhale and expand the stomach and then exhale… while continuing to expand your tummy muscles. Visualize your navel falling as far from you as possible.


The rolling massage in a salon is very effective, so why not adapt the ritual at home? Choose a slimming treatment with caffeine. Before applying it in the morning and at night, knead your belly and your love handles. Make ‘fat rolls’ between the fingers to ‘wake up’ the tissues and loosen clumps of fat cells. These actions also boost blood circulation and prepare the skin for slimming lotions or gels.

Morgane Klein Forest and Nur Syazana H.


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