Peel Pal: DIY scrub recipes for silky smooth skin

updated the 4 May 2019 à 02:17

Try these easy homemade lips, hands, body and feet scrubs for an all-natural exfoliation!

Milk scrub: Remedy for cracked heels

Recently, we shared a few recipes for all-natural face masks, and now we’re sharing some easy scrub recipes for silky smooth skin.

The simple idea remains: spend less money, use less chemicals, and yield more benefits. Scrub and exfoliate to remove dead skin cells the natural way, and make room for new, smoother skin.

In our gallery you’ll find four quick and easy scrubs for the lips, hands, body and feet. The lineup has some overlapping ingredients so don’t throw away any leftovers just yet, especially the key players: sugar and oil.

Since it’s a DIY, you have carte blanche to alter the formula. For example, coconut and olive oil can be used interchangeably depending which scent you prefer. If a scrub is too hard or grainy, feel free to swap normal sugar with fine sugar, or add more oil to the solution. Don’t hesitate to add a few drops of your preferred essential oil for fragrance or moisture.

Enjoy devising your own natural scrub at home and your skin (pockets, too) will thank you!

Natasha Gan

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