Luxury Lust: 10 Beauty products worth the investment

updated the 4 May 2019 à 00:03

They won’t come cheap but they’re certainly worth every cent. Do you have them in your beauty cabinet yet?

La Prairie

The average beauty junkie knows that nothing matches the joy of going into Sephora and coming out with bags full of the latest beauty products. We may not be able to afford the latest Chanel bag but that Chanel moisturizer will give us that same hedonic thrill no less!

But oftentimes, the much raved about beauty products we buy turn out to be disappointments that don’t quite live up to the grand promises made in the ad campaign.

To save you heartbreak and an unnecessary waste of money, we’ve narrowed down 10 incredibly worthy products that are worth every cent you spend on them!

Karen George

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine