Three Days in Angkor, Cambodia

updated the 4 May 2019 à 11:58

There are more than a hundred temples in the 40,000-hectare Angkor Archaeological Park, with Angkor Wat as the Queen Bee. Here’s our guide to explore the highlights in three days.

Angkor Wat

Arriving in Siem Reap International Airport, ready some 4×6 photographs and US$25 for Visa on Arrival. The line can be long but officials work efficiently. Keep in mind that flying out of Siem Reap will also cost a tax of US$20. Siem Reap is a small city with a strong French flavour where all kinds of accommodations – from hostels and inns to high-end resorts – mushroom all across the town.

Gigantic Angkor Archaeological Park dates back to the 9th century, and will take up to one week to explore. There are three options of Angkor Pass; US$20 for one day, US$40 for three days, and US$60 for seven days. Guides are well-regulated. Most of them are official and wear the same uniforms.

For casual travellers that do not find joy in studying the details of each and every temple ruin, the three-days Angkor Wat is most recommended. The complex will be too hot in the middle of the day, so three hours morning excursion followed by long lunch break and three hours afternoon excursion before it is closed at 5 pm will be perfect.

First Day

Save the best for last. Start with Roulos Group – the oldest cluster that consists of three temples; Preah Ko, Bakong, and Lolei. Bakong is beautifully intact. Exercise climbing up and down Bakong before doing the final challenge on Angkor Wat. Stairs made of stone are steep and rather narrow. Since it was built in the 9th century, Lolei is a fully functioning temple up to this day. Monks do their offerings and prayers here.

Second Day

Spend the whole day in the old city of Angkor Thom. The 12th century fortress has four walls to surround it, each guarded by a Buddha face. Inside the city there are temples of Baphuon, Phimeanakas, and the very well-known Bayon. Bayon is said to have “a thousand face of Buddha”. The heads endorse a sense of calmness and peace.

Finish the day by exploring Ta Phrom. It’s in the middle of the jungle, it is where Lara Croft: Tomb Raider movie was shot. Yes, this is the visually stunning temple crushed by gigantic roots and trees.

Third Day

Wake up as early as 4 am, and strive to be the first one to reach the top of Angkor Wat to catch the sunrise. This is the whole point of going to Siem Reap! The main gate to Angkor Archaeological Park is officially opened at 5 am, yet staying in Amansara means having the privilege of entering at 4.30 am. Climb the East Tower of Angkor Wat. Take extra careful as the very steep staircases are still wet with morning dew. It is almost three times as high as Bakong, but the trip is worth all the effort. Gaze at the beautiful sun rising over the village, creating a golden sky. Meditate in the silence of the temple corridors that record centuries-old stories.

Other Highlights and Activities

If time allows, consult with the guide to visit Banteay Shrei – the temple with the most beautiful reliefs. And, if money is no object, take the helicopter ride to reach Preah Vihear – the temple that sits atop 525-metre cliff with a dazzling sunset view.

Evening in Siem Reap is spent  in the Old French Quarter around the Old Market where there are friendly small bars and chic restaurants. Silk scarves and antiques are the main shopping items. When time allows, also stroll the popular Tonle Sap lake. Up for a FearFactor-alike challenge? Go to the village, and try some dip-fried tarantulas.

Ve Handojo

 Photos: Ve Handojo

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