Multitasking Mommy: 5 Tips to stay connected with your girlfriends

updated the 3 May 2019 à 03:41

Myth: Busy working moms don’t have time for friendships. Fact: You can.

Embrace social media

So you’ve just bumped into a former friend from high school. You know the drill: that awkward smile and lukewarm hug, proceeded by a feeble promise to meet up soon – only you never do. Crossing into the threshold of adulthood, where your family and career take precedence, can undeniably put a strain on your friendships with your once ride-or-die girlfriends.

As unfortunate as it is to admit, these girls whom you used to be chummy with are increasingly descending into the ‘acquaintance’ category. Before you know it, those inseparable pals that stayed up till the wee hours of the morning with you, now are just another name on your phonebook.  This makes you scratch your head in bewildered regret as you ponder just when things became so distant between the both of you.

As hard as it is to find the balance between the different hats you wear as ‘wife’, ‘mom’, ‘daughter’ and ‘friend’, the truth is you can still maintain your friendships in spite your many commitments. Scroll through the gallery for 5 simple tried-and-true techniques to maintain friendships without neglecting your family or career!

Ashley Anand

Photo: Getty Images


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