How do we fight fatigue?

Those bouts of fatigue are not worth it! We believe that it’s the lack of sleep – or our hormonal systems – that leave us feeling less than energized.

Rubbing sleep out of the eyes

“Doctor, I’m exhausted!” This is the most common complaint addressed by doctors at the beginning of each consultation. The problem is that sleeping better is not always enough to drive away fatigue. Because even without sleep disorders or illness, fatigue and its inevitable consequences (irritability, difficulty concentrating, decreased performance at work…) sometimes take root in you. So it makes no difference whether you wake up in the morning, afternoon or evening as fatigue does not necessarily have the same source.

Hormonal, enzymatic or nutritional imbalances may play a part, as the time of day when your energy collapses depends on a variety of factors. Dr. Thierry Hertoghe, President of the World Association of Anti-Aging Medicine and author of The Hormone Diet, identifies the cause and solution to your fatigue.

 Thierry Souccar

Read more from our Fatigue series:

Morning fatigue: Causes and solutions

That post-meal dozy spell

Why do we get tired in the day?

How do we regain energy during the day?

Are we more tired standing?

How to be more energetic?

How to reduce listlessness at night? 

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine