How to be more energetic?

updated the 13 June 2014 à 23:15

Beware of an excess of fatty and sugary foods that limit your performance. We dish out some tips to put an end to fatigue.

Girl with a pounding headache

Chasing down a bus or climbing the stairs several floors will probably get you a little out of breath. But excessive exhaustion from minimal amounts of exertion is abnormal (unless one is a heavy smoker, has heart problems or is severely overweight). It can result from excessive acidity levels, or a deficiency in coenzyme Q10, folic acid, vitamin B12 or androgens.

The mechanisms involved.

An excess of meat, dairy products, baked goods and processed food acidifies the body, which not only increases the risk of stroke, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, but also reduces the capacity to recover after exercise. Wherein come the fatigue and heavy legs. The coenzyme Q10 helps in the transformation of nutrients into energy at the cellular level. Their deficit makes mitochondria, the energy factories in cells, less productive. In a deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12, red blood cells struggle to maintain levels of oxygen. This results in the cells suffocating and thus operating at a minimum. Finally, a deficiency of male hormones (androgens) weakens the muscles, which therefore leads them to tire quickly.

How to remedy it?

Acidity levels in the body can be measured in saliva or urine, using test strips sold in pharmacies. In the case of acidosis (where test results in the yellow or yellow-green area), drink water rich in potassium and magnesium, increase servings of fruits and vegetables, and decrease intake of cereals and products of animal origin. Drinking an alkalizing solution twice a day (available in pharmacies) also fixes the problem. Inadequate levels of coenzyme Q10, folic acid and vitamin B12 can also be bridged with a balanced diet rich in vegetables, along with supplement intake over a period of two to six months. To correct an androgen deficiency, however, it is more advisable to first consult a doctor.

Thierry Souccar

Read more from our Fatigue series:

How do we fight fatigue?

Morning fatigue: Causes and solutions

That post-meal dozy spell

Why do we get tired in the day?

How do we regain energy during the day?

Are we more tired standing?

How to reduce listlessness at night? 

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine