How do we regain energy during the day?

It is good to keep an eye on what we eat, because nutrient intake is the sine qua non of your energy.

Sleepy eyes

Repetitive bouts of fatigue in the second part of the day, particularly in the lower back can be a sign of magnesium deficiency. This is especially if it is accompanied by headaches, constipation or agitation, and inability to sleep.

The mechanism involved.

Magnesium is involved in muscle relaxation. Its deficiency is thus capable of generating cramps, spasms and eyelid tremors. The muscles, constantly tensed up in the morning, thus get tired and retain no energy for the rest of the afternoon.

How to remedy it?

Refuel on magnesium-rich foods (dried fruits and vegetables, cocoa, mussels). In case of more severe needs, take a course of nutritional supplements (about 5mg of magnesium per kilogram of body weight each day). Most importantly, don’t succumb to the stress that leads to an increased loss of magnesium in the urine.

Thierry Souccar

Read more from our Fatigue series:

How do we fight fatigue?

Morning fatigue: Causes and solutions

That post-meal dozy spell

Why do we get tired in the day?

Are we more tired standing?

How to be more energetic?

How to reduce listlessness at night? 

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine