Morning fatigue: Causes and solutions

Tough waking up in the morning despite a restful sleep? Here are our tips and tricks for changing your health routine.

Girl and alarm clock

Despite a good night’s sleep, some are unable to jump out of bed at the crack of dawn. And in spite of having finally managed to drag themselves out of bed, they hang idle part of the morning with swollen eyelids. These symptoms may possibly manifest as a result of thyroid hormone deficiency.

The mechanisms at work.

The hormones secreted by the thyroid, a small gland located at the base of the neck, play an indirect but decisive role in the oxygenation of organs. People who are able produce enough have good blood circulation and are full of energy when they wake up. In contrast, those with hypothyroidism remain foggy-headed in the morning because their brains and muscles end up lacking in oxygen. Physical activity helps the blood start to flow more quickly and thus provides neurons the oxygen and nutrients needed for optimum operation throughout the day. And just like magic, the fatigue vanishes!

How do we remedy it?

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, but limit intake of cauliflowers and coffee, the two enemies of the thyroid gland. Curb consumption of meat (no more than 250 g/day) and increase that of fish and seaweed, as they contain high levels of iodine that promote the production of the thyroid hormone. If symptoms are severe, it is best to talk to your doctor who will prescribe tests (blood test, ultrasound) prior to hormonal treatment.

Thierry Souccar

Read more from our Fatigue series:

How do we fight fatigue?

That post-meal dozy spell

Why do we get tired in the day?

How do we regain energy during the day?

Are we more tired standing?

How to be more energetic?

How to reduce listlessness at night? 

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine