Munch on This: 10 Healthy snacks that are also tasty

updated the 3 May 2019 à 18:00

Got the urge to munch on something? Show your heart some love and nibble on these guilt-free snacks that won’t pile on the pounds.

Dark chocolate

Got the urge to munch on pop corn or potato chips? You’re not alone! Snacking can be fun and addictive, as the empty bottom of every Pringles can will testify. Unfortunately, many of the snacks we love indulging in: ice cream, cookies, chips, popcorn and the likes only detract from our health and add to our growing waistlines.

Does this mean you only have to stick to the standard 3 meals a day and stifle those post dinner hunger pangs with a carrot stick? Absolutely not! In fact, scientific studies have shown that people who snack regularly tend not to gorge themselves during mealtimes, leading to a healthier weight balance. The constant food supply keeps your metabolism in check which means you’ll burn more calories throughout the day. But the key to this is to choose the right foods. Snack wrong, and you can you’ll just be piling on the unnecessary calories.

So put away the Pringles and click through the gallery for our pick of healthy yet delicious snacks to nibble on throughout the day.

Karen George

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