Cocktails, Caffeine & More: 7 Foods to avoid after 7 p.m.

updated the 3 May 2019 à 09:12

How many of these foods are you guilty of ingesting after work?

Large meals

The clock strikes at 6 in the evening and you glance at the time, relieved that your work day is over. The possibilities seem infinite: you might grab a few after-work cocktails or coffee with some friends, or curl up on your couch wolfing down greasy fast food take-out or spicy ramen noodles.

Sound familiar?

As indulgent as these habits are, many of us may fall prey to these unhealthy eating habits, particularly as a way of unwinding after a long day in the office or having skipped a meal or two. Caffeine, alcohol, and greasy foods – what many of us consider to be guilty pleasures – are, in general, foods we should avoid or consume in moderation.  However, did you know that besides disrupting your sleep, these vices have even graver health implications like weight gain and heart diseases, particularly when consumed after 7pm?

If you’d like to find out what foods to avoid in the evening and make some changes to your after-work dinner routine, have a look through the gallery above for the top 7 foods you should not be consuming in the evenings before bed.

Sarah Khan

Photos: Getty Images

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Snack Well: 10 Healthy Snacks to stash in your desk drawer

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine