Perk Me Up: 8 Healthy alternatives to coffee for an energy boost

updated the 3 May 2019 à 06:51

Think you drink way too much coffee? These alternative beverages are the way to go.

Chai latte

If you’re the type to run on several cups of coffee a day, you’re probably also aware of the fact that caffeine – too much of it – can cause negative side effects, such as sleep interference, feelings of nervousness and restlessness, and could even exacerbate PMS symptoms and cause your hormone levels to fluctuate. Perhaps you’ve considered cutting your daily dose of coffee to a minimum. Well, there’s no better time to do this than right now.

We’ve gathered a list of healthy (and creative) alternatives to coffee to help you lower your intake of caffeine, while at the same time give you the energy boost you so crave. From caffeine-free herbal teas like detoxifying dandelion root tea and brain-boosting ginseng tea – both of which offer grand health benefits that coffee cannot – to delicious substitutes like creamy chai lattes and zesty pick-me-ups like lemon water, you’ll wonder why you’ve never thought to ditch the coffee ages ago.

Head up to the gallery to see exactly what you should be drinking tomorrow morning instead of your usual cup of java! Yes, we’ve given you the low-down on the important health benefits for each alternative as well!

Angela Goh

Photos: Getty Images

Read more:

Coffee Addict: 7 Easy ways to reduce caffeine withdrawal symptoms

Caffeine Break: How does coffee really affect your skin?

Caffeine vs Theine: What’s the difference?

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