Homeopathy helps to better tolerate chemotherapy

More and more present in hospitals, alternative medicines – especially homeopathy – can be used to limit the side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy.


“In face of a disease requiring toxic treatments – potentially lethal – there is no danger in prescribing any kind of homeopathy. Instead, any danger would come from some unwise homeopaths who recommend stopping traditional treatments. A woman who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, not feeling sick and does not want to start a heavy care protocol can be tempted by this false siren song; however, if you find a competent doctor and consider homeopathy as supportive care, it would be extremely beneficial”, explains Jean-Claude Karp, a homeopathic doctor practising at the oncology–radiotherapy department of the Hospital Center of Troyes. He continues: “Homeopathy can act on several things. It can improve the general state, which will facilitate treatment tolerance. It can treat a damaged area that is directly linked to the disease (bleeding, in the case of colon cancer, for example). It can reduce side effects of the chemotherapy, such as nausea, neurological disorders, mucositis (inflammation of the oral mucous membrane), and problems with nails. As we identified likely side effects, according to the person, it is even better to start homeopathy as prevention. For example, anti-aromatase remedies, used for hormone-dependent cancers, can cause joint pain. Some women even stop their treatment because of them.”

Read more from our homeopathy report:

Homeopathy treats nightmares
Homeopathy soothes tired eyes
Homeopathy to balance osseous fragility

Isabelle Soing

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