Homeopathy to balance osseous fragility

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:34

When someone has osseous fragility, it is not enough to rebalance her food and vitamin D intake; it is necessary to do everything to treat it. Here is where homeopathy can be useful, and even essential.

homeopathie os

“We do not have much to propose to women in menopause who have an osteopaenia [decrease of the osseous density, less strong than in case of an osteoporosis], after a bone densitometry. It is necessary to give them some health advice: consuming vitamin D, foods rich in calcium, physical exercise… but we can also try to improve the area”, explains Christelle Besnard-Charvet, gynecologist–obstetrician. She suggests Calcarea phosphorica, Calcarea fluorica or silicea, according to the typologies, or simply a pre-made medicine, such as Osteocynesine. “Besides, why not try homeopathy when patients affected by osteoporosis did not stand the prescribed medicines or in cases that were aggravated in spite of the medications? Homeopathy should not be taken to replace an allopathic medicine; its active mode gives a signal to the body to make it react.”

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Isabelle Soing

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