Zero Caffeine: 5 Herbal teas and their secret health benefits

updated the 3 May 2019 à 11:20

Soothe your mind and body with refreshing botanical brews – they can provide numerous health benefits and gently flush out toxins.

Chamomile Tea

Unlike black teas or green teas, herbal teas are usually completely free of caffeine, which is a good start for people who want to cut down on the notorious stimulant (also considered the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive drug). While most of us are familiar with ginseng and peppermint teas, we might only drink these once in a blue moon. It might be wise to start regularly consuming herbal concoctions. From sipping on a mug of calming chamomile before going to bed, to drinking some dandelion tea each morning to kickstart that liver detoxification process, there are plenty of ways to embrace the gentle benefits of botanical brews.

As with all natural and alternative medicines, do drink these tonics in moderation as going overboard might cause complications. Always consult a health practitioner before attempting to add herbal teas to your diet, especially if you are pregnant or taking certain medication.

Head up to the gallery above to check out the health benefits of 5 herbal teas that we have selected.

Angela Goh

Photos: Getty Images

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