Soothing Spice: Fight against nausea with ginger

If you feel your digestive system is struggling, go for ginger: a plant with recognised anti-nausea effects.


If ginger is often put forward as an aphrodisiac, who’s to say it won’t help in other health issues too? Many studies have been conducted on its ability to reduce nausea. Does it really?


The ginger root, is effective in post-operative nausea. This means it’s powerful! You can have it by biting, sucking or infusing it in tea, and it can be used without a problem when a meal ‘remains in the stomach’ or if one isn’t able to pass motion, as well as if there are any symptoms of food poisoning. It is also an ally of choice to prevent or reverse motion sickness (take one hour prior to departure and during the trip), cure a bad hangover, or find some relief during pregnancy. In the latter case, a drop of ginger essential oil deposited on a sugar is an effective treatment without danger. The right dose for preparing a herbal tea: one gram of ginger (preferably fresh) infused in 250ml of water.

In alternative medicine, one can also try the famous Swanson, which has supplements for liver discomfort or after a big meal (and even for ingestion prior to a gargantuan dinner).

If nausea is accompanied by fever, consult a doctor quickly.

Maureen Diament and Nur Syazana H.

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