‘Proposal Shape’ is the newest wedding trend dividing the Internet

As it turns out, being a toned and shredded bride isn’t all you need to aspire to these days.

The latest wedding trend on our radar has certainly gotten people talking and, well, a little divided.

Called ‘proposal shape’, this trend involves actively getting into shape if you feel like you’re about to be proposed to. It can start as early as months prior to actual popping of the question; which in this day and age, are likely to be intensely Instagrammed.

Considering that the New York Post reports that nearly 4 out of 10 couples post their engagement pictures to social media (though we think this might be a modest estimate), it’s natural to assume there’s some sort of pressure for them to look their prime at this milestone moment.


Now, we hear your doubts: you might think it’s slightly presumptuous to assume you’re going to be proposed to. Also, how exactly do you gauge when you’ll be engaged, and consequently how soon you need to start getting into shape?

As it turns out, it’s not that hard – or presumptuous. According to The Knot, 1 in 4 couples discuss marriage roughly two years before actually getting engaged, with 1 in 3 of them shopping together for the ring. Which means it’s not exactly rocket science to figure when your significant other might be getting down on one knee.

The conversation on getting into proposal shape first started when the New York Post shared article on how one of the new royals (Princess Eugenie of York – not Meghan Markle) started amping up her diet and fitness regimen months prior to her engagement.

While the idea of getting fit for your proposal has earned its share of derision, purely for the fact that it adds an unnecessary pressure on women to nitpick on their bodies, if it makes you happy and healthy – go for it.

So, the question is: if your hunch tells you your significant other might be getting down on one knee soon, would you partake in a “proposal diet”?

Sarah Khan

Photo: Getty Images

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