Fresh Environment: 5 Natural ways to purify your air at home

updated the 3 May 2019 à 06:37

Good news: your air-con bill will be dropping drastically the next month.

Air-filtering plants

The golden sun is out, birds are singing enchanting melodies whilst the vibrant flowers are blooming. Why not step outside for- oh wait, you won’t be needing to go outdoors for fresh air anymore. That’s right, you can enjoy clean, lung-caressing air right in the comfort of your cosy abode. Don’t worry, no one’s making you hit the power button on your air-conditioner remote. We’re talking all natural ways to deodorise the air at home, leaving you with fresh purified air that will soothe your soul and calm your mind.

For those of you who object to your house suffering from BO, you might want to sniff again. Even if there aren’t any avid smokers or burning candles at home, the air in your home is inevitably plagued by all kinds of pollutants, from toxic cleaning solvents to furniture glue. These pollutants can prove to be extremely harmful as they can potentially cause lung problems and headaches. Bottom line: no one is exempt from the vital need to depollute the air at home.

Had enough of inhaling nasty scents and contaminants? Quickly head over to our gallery where we’ve compiled 5 of the best ways to get freshen and purify air at home. You can bet your house will be smelling like it just got out of the shower.

Lim Han

Photos: Getty Images

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