Smartphone Helper: 10 Useful parenting apps to download

As a parent, you sometimes feel like you need all the help you can get. Don’t worry – even your smartphone can chip in.

10 Useful parenting apps

We all know that parenting is hard work. Between parent-teacher meetings to attend, piano lessons to ferry your kids to, and multiple schedules to cater to on top of your own, it can be overwhelming to stay on top of everything. The good news is that there are great smartphone apps in the market that can actually help make your job as a parent a little easier!

Feeling a bout of ‘mommy guilt’ and want to check up on your baby while at work? Check out Baby Connect, an app that lets you keep track of your baby’s feeding times and diaper changes. Or are you a mother of three juggling three completely different kid schedules? Fret not, Cozi, an app and one-stop log that lets your family members input their schedules, will keep you constantly in-the-know with your family’s activities and whereabouts for the day.

We’ve rounded up the 10 best parenting apps that can make your life a little easier. Whatever the need – whether monitoring your child’s social media pages or keeping tabs on their location – we’ve got you covered. Just head on up to our gallery above and take your pick! You’re just an app (or two) away from being the SuperMom you deserve to be!

Sarah Khan

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