Detox: 10 Essential products for a healthy reboot

updated the 4 May 2019 à 01:45

Consider these products before you start your beauty and wellness detox. Come out healthy, re-energized and rejuvenated!

For healthy skin glow

Much like the phrase “Diet starts tomorrow”, we tend to see the entire deal of taking better care of our body in the same regard. We put it off time and time again and constantly set it aside on our to-do-later list.

So, now that it’s the start of a new week, hopefully you’re as motivated as us to start fresh — think detox. It’s high time we did a health reboot, purify the body, recover some lost energy and reinvigorate our well-being.

If that doesn’t sound inviting enough, remember that beauty is but skin deep... though in a different sense, meaning what happens inside your body will be reflected on the outside. Rough complexion, dark circles and frequent pimples have got more to do with your inner processes than you might initially think.

Tips for a good detox

1. Avoid alcohol — it smothers your liver to do extra work

2. Rely on a plant and fruit-based diet —  (apple, kiwi, banana, pineapple, cherry, lemon, blueberry, avocado, artichoke, beets, etc.)

3. Dedicate a day in the week for this kind of diet, and feel free to include some veggie and fruit juices in the menu!

There are 10 products (consumed or applied) in our gallery that will help with your detox, from the Kusmi tea that promises to thoroughly rid of undesirable residues in your digestive system to The Body Shop‘s bath tea that works wonders.

So start detoxifying your body and let us know how it goes!

Alexandra Raillan and Natasha Gan

Read more:

Detox: 4 Ways to cleanse your body
How to do a gentle detox
5 Products to detox your skin

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine