Anti-Aging: 10 Beauty products to turn back the clock on your hair

updated the 3 May 2019 à 23:21

You’ve got your hands and face looking youthful – but is your crowning glory betraying your age? Find out how to keep your follicles looking forever young.

Oscar Blandi

The beauty market is big on preserving every vestige of youth. We’re quick to slather on anti-aging potions for our hands, the corners of our eyes and just about any surface area of our skin that might betray our advanced years. Just when we think we’ve got every corner covered, we find out we’ve missed a spot. Or rather, an entire head of follicles.

Believe it or not, the hair on our heads can age just like our skin. They may not wrinkle up in protest of gravity and time but they certainly display their own signs by turning grey, becoming thin, fragile and stringy. Youthful you certainly do not look if your wrinkle-free face is framed by limp strands of thin, dry hair.

Time then to spread the anti-aging love from your face to your hair, only this time, the game plan is to prevent frizziness, thinning hair, dryness, discoloured roots and other things that detract the va-va-voom factor from your hair.

Are you ready to turn back the clock on your crowning glory? Our gallery will lead you to the best anti-aging products you can spritz, spray and lather on for healthy, youthful looking tresses that will be the envy of many.

Karen George


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