Tamed Mane: 6 Tips for frizz-free hair from John Frieda House of Experts

updated the 3 May 2019 à 09:34

The professionals share their ultimate secrets to keeping the frizz at bay.

#1 Wet your hair

Frizzy hair is mostly caused by a lack of moisture in the cuticle, but humidity can also definitely be a contributing factor. “Your hair loses moisture throughout the day, so midday, the cuticle (the outermost layer on your strands) opens up and lets the outside air in, creating a frizzy mess,” celebrity hairstylist Mark Townsend explains.

In Singapore’s tropical weather, frizzy hair is a real concern for many women. Without the right shampoo and conditioner, the moisture in the air can easily get absorbed by your hair, causing it to frizz up. We all know frizzy hair is hard to love. It’s not sleek and silky, it’s not curly and adorable, and it’s not wavy and sexy. It’s just… frizzy!

Time to tame that head of hair

With frizzy hair, you live in fear of rain, humidity or even perspiration, which can cause your hair to become even fuller and wilder. For many, frizzy hair is a daily battle. For others, it can be an occasional problem. In either case, it’s frustrating for those who want shiny, silky and bouncy hair. Frizzy hair can look dull and be very difficult to style. Regular use of a blow dryer, swimming in chlorinated water, and certain chemicals in hair care products are things that can also contribute to the problem.

The John Frieda Frizz Ease Miraculous Recovery Shampoo and Conditioner can help to moisturise and hydrate your hair by preventing excess water from being absorbed. The experts from John Frieda have also whispered some secrets into our ears. Here are their proposed 6 steps to preventing damaged and frizzy hair.

Sonia Lourdes

Read more:

Goodbye Frizz: John Frieda introduces new remedy to tame unruly hair

Frizz Fighters: Our top picks to deal with unruly hair in a jiffy

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