Frizz Fighters: Our tops picks to deal with unruly hair in a jiffy

updated the 6 October 2015 à 23:15

Tired of dealing with frizzy hair thanks to the humidity? So are we. Here are a few products to help you tame and tackle unnecessary flyaways.

If you weren’t born with pin straight hair, you’re probably battling the whispy flyways caused by the soaring humidity index in Singapore. Ah, the perks of living on the equator.

The moment you step out of humid Singapore, oh wonder of wonders! So unless you’re traveling a whole lot, the unfortunate truth is that you’re stuck dealing with flyway hair.

The moisture in the air makes hair revert to its natural state if it is not well moisturised. So make sure your hair is not too thirsty (i.e. dry or dehydrated) to prevent it from absorbing moisture from the atmosphere.

Start your battle with the frizzies in the shower with a proper shampoo and conditioner before finishing off with the right serum or hair products to keep your style sleek and neat. Also be sure to lock in your style with an aerosol spritz that does not reintroduce more moisture into your hair, causing it to shrivel back up after styling.

Now, get ready to face the humidity like a boss and revel in smooth, smooth hair.

Cheryl Lee

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