Photoshop Ready: What exactly does perfect look like?

updated the 4 May 2019 à 06:29

What do you identify as beautiful? Photographer Scott Chasserot gives you the inside scoop on modern beauty standards.

Original Idea experiment

If you were given a magic wand and told you could change anything about yourself – what would you alter? In a dream world, what would you want to look like?

Photoshop is constantly criticised for its heavy and usually unnecessary use on models and celebrities – but one photographer’s jaw-dropping experiment using the image-editing tool shows the true standards of beauty. Scott Chasserot is the brains behind Original Ideal – an experiment that combines portrait photography and neuroscience to determine one’s ideal self-image.

He photoshopped the subjects’ portraits while they sat and watched. At the same time, he was monitoring their brain activity which allowed him to see how happy, or sad the subject was with that particular facial feature. With this information – Chasserot was able to determine what the participants really wanted to look like – pretty mind-blowing, we know. The ideal self-image could be seen on the right of each individual picture and the results show  a preference for bigger eyes, chiseled cheek bones and even slimmer necks.

Used in moderation – photoshop is a magical piece of technology, but how much is too much? When should the line be drawn?

Watch the video here:

Video: Scott Chasserot

Shannon Gallagher

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