10 Cosy spots for a spot of tea in Singapore

updated the 3 May 2019 à 15:47

This week, trade in a hectic cup of coffee for a soothing pot of tea.

Arteastiq Boutique Tea House

It is a wonder why most of the world is obsessed with coffee when we’re already wound up enough with our demanding lives. If you really want quality relaxation, a cup of tea is the key.

It seems like coffee’s more refined cousin is finally stepping out of its dark coloured shadow. More cafes are elevating the humble cup of tea from dowdy to trendy. However, there is a more practical reason for you to try trading coffee for tea once in awhile. A study has shown that a daily cup of tea can help you recover from stress faster. Interested yet?

Before you scramble over the World Wide Web looking for the best places to get chummy with a pot of tea this weekend, relax. We’ve got you covered. Check out our gallery for our list of ten best places to unwind with a cuppa tea.
Amanda Lim

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