10 Cheesecakes in Singapore that will have you absolutely drooling

updated the 3 May 2019 à 04:01

Every day should be World Cheesecake Day.

Milo Dinosaur, Cat & the Fiddle

We have to concede: we have a weakness for cheesecakes. Lusciously creamy in texture, crowned with a beautifully golden top and finished with a buttery, crunchy graham cracker crust, it’s not hard to see why the dessert proves to be a constant crowd-pleaser.

While many assume that the cheesecake has its origins in New York, it actually dates back much further – in fact, as far as 4000 years ago in ancient Greece. Today, the world has seen various interpretations of the dessert, from classics like the New York or Boston Cheesecake, to Japanese-style renditions that are exquisitely, cotton-soft and fluffier in texture.

Thankfully, Singapore is not short of great dessert spots that dishes up decadent cheesecake creations. True to our quintessentially Singaporean approach to food, expect some quirky (yet surprisingly tasty) creations like Cat & the Fiddle’s Milo Dinosaur Cheesecake.

World Cheesecake Day in July (yes, it actually exists) might be long over by now, but we like to live by the motto that everyday should be World Cheesecake Day. Head on to our gallery above for our top cheesecake picks in Singapore! Whether you like your cheesecakes rich, thick, creamy and classic, or light, fluffy and spongy, we’re confident there’s something for you.

Sarah Khan

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