Find the perfect pair of shoes with Stylect

updated the 4 May 2019 à 10:19

Shoe addicts – we give you the need-to-know on the new shoe-shopping app for the digital age, Stylect, created by Giacomo Summa.

Stylect app
What is it?

Stylect is a mobile app to help women find their perfect pair of shoes. It is deeply inspired by the swiping interface of the now famous dating app Tinder.

How Stylect works?

You just have to sign up with your Facebook account, then you can start looking at product pages for shoes. As with Tinder, you can swipe right to “like” a pair of shoes and go left to “dislike” it. This fun swiping method will enable Stylect to understand your preferences and will recommend you better products tailored to your taste.

Then, you can keep track of the products you like, buy them from hundreds of websites and receive notifications whenever a product you love goes on sale.

Last but not least, (actually it’s our favourite functionality), thanks to the geolocation , the shoe app lets you know when a pair of shoes that you might like is selling in a store nearby.

We can easily understand why Stylect was recently featured amongst the best new apps in 15 different app stores! You can download the app here.

Enjoy Shoe shopping!

Lindsay POUI-DI

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