Natural Remedies: How to beat illnesses from your kitchen!

updated the 4 May 2019 à 11:10

“Let your food be your first medicine.” To ensure that none of the nasty bugs going around in this unpredictable weather get to you, we refer to the advice of Hippocrates from two thousand years ago.

Kitchen Remedies

Garlic, ginger, rosemary and thyme… We keep them all stocked in the kitchen, without even remembering that herbs and spices are some of the best remedies.
The numerous scientific studies confirming the beneficial properties of herbs and spices have resulted in their use for centuries. We can even rely on their effectiveness to protect ourselves from the bugs going around as a result of the recent crazy weather patterns. It works, provided they are consumed right from the onset of any sign of colds, sore throats or flus, and also maintaining a healthy diet throughout.

Gorging on snacks like chips when you are feeling under the weather only weakens your immunity further. Another necessary precaution – ​​choosing quality ingredients. Garlic lying around for months in a drawer no longer contains active ingredients, and even worse, may have gone bad. Buy a fresh bulb. Furthermore, fresh herbs go stale less quickly than when in powder form. Rely on your sense of smell. If the smell is no longer as strong, chances are the efficiency is too. If no improvement in condition occurs after 48 hours after following these tips, seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist.

And for general prevention: Insist on foods rich in fatigue-preventing magnesium, such as seaweed, sesame seeds, cocoa, and grains. In addition, try to include banana and apple on the menu every day. “Bananas are enriched with multivitamins, just like apple, which can also be consumed in juice form,” advises Henry Puget.

Read our full report on “Natural Remedies”

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