Natural Remedies: Overcoming the cold

updated the 12 June 2014 à 21:32

Anticipate the sudden cold snaps in these humid days with this explosive brew. Trust the strong antibacterial powers of thyme and wild thyme.


To prevent yourself from catching a fever on those sudden stormy days, we trust thyme and serpolet, also known as wild thyme, keeping in mind that thyme is more powerful,” says Dr. Henry Puget. Both concentrates contain antibacterial components in their volatile essential oils. To avoid the concoction splattering all over, cover the pan while preparing the brew. There should be approximately 15g of herbs for every 500ml of water.

Leave it to steep for 10 minutes, pushing the lid back a little to retrieve the active molecules which will condense back in the pan. Sweeten the brew with honey and drink 4 cups a day. Cocktails that cause sweating also accelerate the elimination of toxins. Traditional Indian medicine also swears by concentrated infusions of dry ginger and black pepper pounded with sugar palm.

In a bowl, peel and cut and 3 slices of fresh ginger, which contains anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant substances, then add 5 black peppercorns, which have stimulant effects, and allowed it to boil for 5 min in about 350ml of water. Leave it to rest for about 10 minutes, until the decoction becomes yellow. You can sweeten it with honey, a squirt of lemon juice, or even a shot of rum for the more daring amongst us.

Drink and have a good rest, covered warmly to speed up perspiration.

Read our full report on “Natural Remedies”

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