Bikini Body: Our top 10 slimming beauty products to try

updated the 3 May 2019 à 17:20

See how these (slimming) beauty products can help you get rid cellulite on your skin and the toxins within in order to attain your ideal bikini body.


As much as we want to, we can’t exercise on your behalf, but what we can do is recommend you these beauty products to help you get rid of cellulite and bodily toxins, and put you on your way to getting that ideal bikini body. Below are some useful tips you might want to consider before slipping into your itsy-bitsy bikini set:

Understand your cellulite!

To get rid of these unwanted lines, you must first understand where they come from.

– You were born with it: Cellulite are affected by genetics. It’s possible that you have an imbalance between your fat loss (lipolysis) and storage (lipogenesis). Try massaging your skin in a circular motion with an anti-cellulite cream (head over to our gallery to see our selected items).

– Your hormones are playing with you: Pregnancy and other major (physical) changes in your life might result in cellulite.

– Your blood circulation is not in top form: The cellulite can appear due to unhealthy blood circulation. Drink some draining herbal tea to help solve this (see our selection).

– A poorly balanced life: Unfortunately, two of the most important factors that cause cellulite are diet and the lack of physical exercise.

What’s with all the creams, serums and teas?

They will be the perfect weapons to smooth your skin and detox your body. There will be no more reason to face the annoying cellulite if you opt for a good slimming routine. But with the 1001 items on the store shelves, how do you know which one to choose? Well, cast those worries aside, We’ve selected 10 products for you to apply before, during and after your beach retreat!

Maud Gontier

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine