Can we really get rid of cellulite?

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:35

Whether we are thin or (slightly) plump, having cellulite is more common than we’d like to think. Is it possible to do away with that dratted orange peel effect? We present the expert’s opinion.


The first piece of bad news: “for women, cellulite is physiological. Fat cells, adipocytes, are stored in the form of small packets, encased by fibres. This is where the orange peel effect comes from,” said Dr Nina Roos, dermatologist. Men benefit from a more equitable distribution of adipocytes. Instead of being condensed into small clusters, they are dispatched evenly throughout the body, which explains the absence of cellulite. What injustice! In addition, other factors can increase the orange peel appearance. Junk food, poor blood and lymphatic circulation, hormonal disorders or inactivity… The list is rather long. Depending on the causes, we distinguish three types of cellulite, and share with you which are more difficult to remove.


“Poor venous or lymphatic circulation causes water retention which goes to the subcutaneous tissues and makes cellulite swell,” says dermatologist. If one is prone to heavy legs and varicose veins, phlebologists (vein specialists) will recommend an appropriate treatment. If we sometimes get little bouts of oedema (water retention) or swelling, opt for manual drainage (rolling massage) in combination with drainage products (eg. creams containing caffeine). We should also seek to reduce salt intake, and also have our fill of fruits and vegetables. Finally, it is essential that regular physical activity that promotes venous exchange (walking, water-biking, etc.). “If we follow these guidelines and we show patience, there is every chance of achieving a smoother and less swollen skin appearance. In order to prolong the results, do not interrupt this new routine,” said Dr Roos.


This is most often the result of an unbalanced diet, too rich in fats and sugar. It occurs in those who have a few extra pounds or whose weight fluctuate. The fat cells are full and cellulite appears on the legs but also the arms and stomach. It is necessary to review this lifestyle and, if necessary, get help from a nutritionist or dietician. Limit the intake of processed foods and products rich in fats (cheese, meats, etc.), and start learning to rely on signals of hunger and satiety when eating. It is also recommended to start moving, with at least 2 to 3 hours of sport per week – a difficult, but not impossible task. And most importantly, the benefits go far beyond the battle against cellulite – higher energy levels, prevention of cardiovascular disease and diabetes… “Once weight has stabilized and diet has balanced, all that is left is cellulite. It is sometimes necessary to resort to surgery, liposuction or liposuction to get rid of it. But beware, it will return if you fall back to your old bad habits,” says Dr Roos.


This is probably the most difficult type of cellulite to dislodge. It results from the crystallisation of collagen fibres surrounding the fat cells. Usually installed for quite some years, it also affects the thinnest of us. Its origin is sometimes hormonal and we can consult a specialist (gynaecologist, endocrinologist…) to see if it has a solution. It is useless, however, to try to lose weight at any price or abuse sports trying to get rid of it, as it makes little difference. “A healthy lifestyle is of course essential, but it is probably surgery or cryolipolysis that has the solution. The latter technique breaks up the fat cells and destroys the cells without being invasive. However, there is a lack of research and testing to evaluate its effectiveness over time, and even this treatment cannot deal with zones such as saddlebags “said Dr Roos.


Getting rid of cellulite for good is an almost impossible task unless you are willing to spend a fortune on surgery and get on the operating table on a regular basis. On the other hand, it is possible to mitigate its effects and regain smoother skin with healthier eating habits, daily physical activity and regular care. We personally are in love with the hyper-effective home massage, the new 2014 Puressentiel. A dry slimming oil with 18 essential oils, combined with a patented anti-cellulite mechanism for a rolling massage is close to that achieved by the pro. It is a 100% natural, all-in-one device, which acts on both the elimination of fat, drainage and firmness of the skin.

Maureen Diament

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