Thinning Eyebrows: 5 Hair-raising causes and how to fix them

updated the 3 May 2019 à 14:35

Don’t just worry about you’re the hair on your head, pay attention to your brows too.

Anastasia Beverly Hills

The advent of Cara Delevingne also marked the return of the full brow. Hopefully the return is permanent, because we know we cannot endure the plucked-to-death-eyebrow look of the 90s. 

However, what happens if you notice your eyebrows thinning on their own? It is a distressing issue to even think about. Eyebrows play an extremely important cosmetic role and you can look very different without brows to frame your face.

There are many reasons as to why people can start to lose eyebrows. In order to treat this unfortunate situation, we must first find out the root cause of the problem.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Not having a balanced diet affects more than just your weight and fitness. A lack of iron or vitamins A, B, D and E can be the reason your brow hairs are falling out.


Eczema is a common skin condition that makes skin itch and dry out. These dry and itchy patches can occur under your brow, which can causes brow hair to thin.


The loss or thinning of the lateral third of your eyebrows may be an indicator of hyperthyroidism. If you are experiencing this along with weight loss difficulties and cold intolerance, seek professional medical help.

Alopecia Areata

Also known as spot baldness, Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease that causes your body to mistakenly attack your hair follicles. While it most commonly occurs on the scalp, it can also affect the hairs on your face.


As we age, our bodies generally experience a drop in estrogen hormones. This can result in a shortening of the hair growth cycle. The drop in estrogen levels also makes us susceptible to increased levels of DHT in hair follicles, which prevents nutrients from reaching your hair and resulting in hair loss.

Fixing the Problem

Changing your diet is an easy way to prevent the loss of more eyebrows. Brown rice, flaxseeds, avocado, yogurt, nuts and fish are a few foods that are known to stimulate hair growth. If not, try investing in a good eyebrow serum. There are dozens in the market today from brands like Talika or Anastasia Beverly Hills. For the more severe cases, it is imperative you consult a medical professional who can advise you on the course of action to take in tackling the problem.

Amanda Lim

Photo: Getty Images

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10 Plucking good brow gels that will keep your arches up all day

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