WE.WOMEN: A photoshoot encouraging women to love their bodies

updated the 4 May 2019 à 05:14

Would women feel more comfortable with their figures if clothes were modelled on more common and realistic women than the perceived perfect body? Here’s the answer.

WE.WOMEN Photoshoot

Let’s face it. Regardless of our size, which woman among us didn’t hate standing in front of the mirror sometimes, and only saw the ‘imperfections’ instead of her body as a whole?

Lithuanian photographer Neringa Rekasiute and the journalist Beata Tiskevic make us reflect on this issue through WE.WOMEN – an exhibition which pays homage to the acceptance of women’s bodies.

To achieve this, they chose 12 women plagued by long-term low body-esteem due to the disease or criticisms from their surroundings. The selected women came from diverse age groups and morphologies, and had experienced difficulties, such as anorexia, bulimia, breast cancer, depression. They were asked to pose in underwear in front of a mirror. The photos were all accompanied by a caption of the model’s story and exhibited in Lithuania.

The 12 women expose their beautiful but familiar bodies to encourage women to love their reflection and stop being shy about their normal bodies. As Neringa says, “we wanted to inspire women to accept and love their bodies as they are: with all the inner and outer scars. And we believe that by doing so one can release a lot of energy and use it for what really matters: self-discovery”.

This is a good way to highlight the extent to which body image acceptance and self-esteem are intertwined and, consequently, the importance of fighting against the unrealistic beauty standards advocated by the media and our society.

Lindsay POUI-DI

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