28 Day Tiny Teatox: Our final verdict revealed!

updated the 4 May 2019 à 07:41

Check our final verdict as we complete and review the most hyped detox – made famous by instagram – The 28-day Tiny Teatox.

Tiny Teatox

If you’re an instagram junkie, or just happen to love health and fitness in general – you have probably already heard of (or even been recommended) the 28 day Tiny Teatox. Over the last month we have been testing out the product to see if it actually works -Here’s what we have to say.


The Tiny Tea Tox is available in a 14, and 28 day course. Featuring all-natural Chinese herbs, the tea instantly nourishes and cleanses your digestive system. Whilst detoxing, the tea also helps rids any excess bloating, in turn helping you shed a little bit of weight. With a cleansed system, the tea promotes stronger, more pure blood to be made which leaves you with crazy amounts of energy without any caffeine.

From a Chinese medicine perspective – acne, blackheads, rashes, psoriasis are all external indications of internal imbalances. The Tiny Tea rids your body of toxins and wastes, leaving your skin clearer than ever.

Unlike other detoxes, this tea does not contain laxative effects…so don’t worry, you won’t be running to the toilet every time you drink it.

If you aren’t looking for a detox, the Your Tea company also offers a wide range of other teas, ranging from her tea, man tea, fertility tea, gluten-free tea, and anti-C (cellulite) tea.


To consume, drink the tea 3 times a day 30 minutes before (or after) breakfast, lunch and dinner. All you have to do is soak 1 teabag in a cup of hot water for 5-7 minutes. Avoid drinking the tea with meals, or late at night (unless you’re looking to pull an all-nighter!).

Tip: If you’re not really into the herbal taste, add a lemon slice or a spoonful of your favourite honey.


After religiously drinking this tea 3 times a day for the last month, I can honestly say my body feels healthier, my mood is better and my skin is most definitely clearer.

After seeing the hype of the tea all over instagram, I decided to give it a go simply to cut out the bloating I suffer from – however, it does much more than that. My stomach is visibly flatter and my thighs are much slimmer. Overall I have lost about 2-3kgs –  along with eating healthy and working out regularly.

With the help of the tea, it became easy to wake up early every morning without the urge of going back to sleep. I definitely feel less tired through out the day – which means I can be more productive.

Overall, the tea worked wonders for my body and I would without a doubt recommend this Tiny Teatox to anyone who is looking for a little pick-me-up.

Our tip: Plan your day out – try and know exactly when you will be having your meals so that you take the tea on time and not miss it. 

The 28 day Tiny Teatox (approx. USD55)along with health eating recipes are available online at www.yourtea.com

Happy sipping!

Shannon Gallagher

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