Exercise your intuition like it is a game!

updated the 14 July 2015 à 18:34

Intuition can become a remarkable asset for our efficiency if we decide to. To sharpen yours, try these nine exercises proposed by psychotherapist Béatrice Millêtre.

Open your eyes. On public transport, forget your mobile and observe what surrounds you: people, landscapes, posters. Wandering thoughts are a convenient way to get intuition flashes.

Draft your intuitive newspaper. Dedicate a quarter of an hour, every evening, to noting your thoughts and intuitive feelings. You will become more and more aware of your capacities.

Answer with a rough guess some radio and TV games. The big love of Catherine II of Russia? Potemkin? You will be surprised to give the right answer more often than you think.

Open up your mind. Get out of your usual way of thinking, discover a new coffee, a new shop, take the bus instead of the tram. Feed yourself with novelties.

Look at clouds. At any time or if you are blocked on a task at work. Your brain has a break then and brings you a new breath.

Put some music on for background noise. If your attention disperses and your files don’t progress, background music can help you concentrate, while favouring the intuitive process.

Play with time. In search of ideas? Start an activity (jogging, driving, races) and look for the most ideas possible in a minute. Record them on your smartphone.

The game of first impressions. Train with your friends. Stick photos of interesting or original faces on sheets (one per sheet). Everyone writes below his/her first impressions, folds up the sheet and gives it to his/her neighbour. Then, compare your impressions.

With friends, again, stick blind Post-it on your foreheads, saying: clumsy person, diplomat, spiritual, selfish, and so on… By listening to those cheesy, rude or clumsy speech, each has to guess what is on his/her Post-it.

Laurence Cochet

Read more from our ‘intuition’ report:

Intuition: How does it work?

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