Food For Thought: 8 Diet tricks to increase productivity at work

updated the 3 May 2019 à 06:39

Sure, Red Bull gives you wings, but these diet tricks will turn you into a fighter plane.

Opt for dark chocolate as a snack

Time is ticking. Laptops are closing. Your colleagues are galloping off already. Yet, there you are, slumped in your chair, flooded with a myriad of tasks that are awaiting completion. If you’ve been lagging behind as one of the last few panting runners in the marathon of your daily work, maybe it’s time to take a second look at your diet. What you put in your body has a direct connection with what comes out of it, so, it’s vital that you’re feeding yourself the right foods to back up your brain and unleash the full potential of your proficient mind.

From constant hydration to wholesome eating, there are a plethora of diet tricks that you can incorporate into your daily routine to bolster your productivity. Head up to the gallery to start stimulating your mind. We promise that if you religiously uphold these pieces of advice, you’re on your way to earning a well-deserved trophy in your work marathon.

Lim Han

Photos: Getty Images

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