AIDS: First medicine that protects against the HIV virus

For the first time, researchers have highlighted the efficiency of a medicine, Truvada, in preventing the transmission of the fatal HIV virus.


For two years, the IPERGAY study (Preventive Intervention of the Exposure at the Risks with and for the homosexuals) has sought to estimate the efficiency of Truvada in preventing HIV contamination, specifically in homosexuals who have engaged in unprotected sexual intercourse. Truvada consists of two antiretrovirals that already used in some triple therapies for HIV-positive people. In a previous trial, this medicine demonstrated a 42% reduced risk of contamination, when taken daily. However, the trial results were considered insufficient due to the numerous side effects felt by the patients. Consequently, the idea for a new trial came about, whereby the drug will only be taken before and after each unprotected sexual encounter.


In a statement released on Wednesday October 29th, 2014, the National Agency of Research against AIDS declared, “a very important reduction of the risk of infection by HIV” in people that took Truvada before and after potentially being exposed to the virus. This reduction was such that the doctors in charge of the IPERGAY study decided to give the medicine to 400 volunteers without waiting for the definitive results of the trial. According to the first conclusion, the medicine would indeed prevent 80% of infections. This is a very promising result, but is still not comparable to using a condom. Indeed, the health authorities and associations specify that it remains essential to protect yourself from the virus with a condom.

“The access to Truvada must be guaranteed for all those who urgently need it”, states Bruno Spire, President of the association, in a press release.

Maureen Diament

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