Natural Remedies: Overcoming sinusitis and colds

Are you unable to breathe through your nasal passage? Is your nose clogged? Breathe, we have the solution!


Be it for prevention or treatment, Henry Puget recommends rinsing your sinus at least once a day with decongestant solutions. Inhale the liquid through each nostril, one after another, or alternatively, use a dropper bottle.

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of coarse salt in half a litre of water and boil, before allowing it to cool. An even more effective formula is to mix the juice of organic lemon with water, softened with a bit of honey.

James A. Duke, one of the most famous American ethno-botanists and activist for a healing diet for decades, recommends these two following formulas to clear congested sinuses.

Mix some chopped garlic and onion (rich in quercitin and anti-inflammatory polyphenol) with “all the hot spices you can find in the house”: pepper, mustard seeds, black pepper, wasabi… Spicy food-lovers, you are in for a treat! For those not so much into burning your tongue though, you could probably bring yourself to swallow this concoction as a sandwich spread. Alternatively, boil 1 stalk of celery (anti-inflammatory analgesic) and chop it into bite-sized pieces along with 2 sprigs of oregano (antihistamine and antiseptic), then add juice of 1 lemon broth. You can make do with a concentrated infusion of dried oregano if you have no fresh oregano at hand.

Read our full report on “Natural Remedies”

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Marie France Asia, women's magazine