Spotting Lies: 10 Signs your child might not be telling the truth

updated the 3 May 2019 à 10:32

It’s not always easy spotting a liar, but it might be a little easier to catch your little ones telling a fib.


Why do children lie?

People lie all the time – yes, everyone from celebrities to politicians, even parents and teachers! And, of course, kids do it too. However, sometimes, the little ones aren’t so good at it and their attempts at trying to deceive you can be almost funny and downright transparent. But you’ll want to actively try to get them to stop, lest their lying turns into a habit that’s hard to break.

Lying can be a frustrating challenge for parents to tackle, but it can be easy once you understand where they’re coming from. The three most common reasons why kids lie are: (1) to avoid an unpleasant outcome such as punishment, (2) to avoid disappointing you, and (3) to seek a reaction from you by telling crazy and totally unbelievable stories.

How to get them to tell the truth?

Okay, so we all know that lying is a serious misbehavior, one that needs to be addressed every time it happens. The first step to getting them to fess up and admit they’re fibbing is to figure out the signs when they invent a false story. In the gallery above, we have 10 ways to tell if your child is spinning a tale – some of them are obvious signs, and you’ll be able to catch them quite easily.

Remember, there may be underlying reasons why they feel pressured to lie. Focus on solutions that will solve everyone’s problems instead of taking any form of negative or intense action against them, as reacting in a vicious or unpleasant way will only fuel the fire and make your child resent you in the long-run, which fixes nothing!

Angela Goh

Photos: Getty Images

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