Office Advice: 9 Best tips for dealing with difficult people

Don't lose your cool

Got someone prickly you have to deal with at work? Be the bigger person and learn a few of these tricks.

If you work a full-time job with a bunch of other people, chances are you’ve stumbled upon someone who doesn’t quite share your views on a certain topic or, really, any of your views in general. This person might be a superior, a colleague, or someone from a different department entirely. Whoever they are, they don’t seem to like you and they don’t seem to want to make your life easy.

If their existence causes you to want to tip-toe around them whenever they come into view, it might be time to practice our top tips on dealing with difficult people. Head up to the gallery to check out the golden rules of going head-to-head with your antagonist.

Angela Goh

Photos: Getty Images

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